All images developed at Gelatin Labs.

About Katie
Katie is an Apparel Designer but photography keeps her from getting in creative ruts and offers a new form of freedom and expression. She shoots landscapes and people doing things that make them feel alive.
Why do you shoot film?
“I shoot film because it slows down the process of taking photos. Instead of the instant gratification digital gives, it’s always a mystery and treat when you get the photos back. Kind of like life, it can go poorly or turn out better than you expected.”
You can see more of Katie’s work at their website:
Daily Carry Camera(s): Minolta Hi-Matic
Favorite Film Stock(s): Kodak Portra 400, llford B&W
Testimonial for Gelatin Labs
“The nicest humans. You can tell they love what they do, and love their clients. The attention to detail is crazy and it’s been really cool to watch their website and following grow!”